Key features for users
A better solution than a hard drive
MyTardis understands data from a huge range of microscopes and other instruments.
High quality data underpins successful research. When you've got valuable data, it needs to be 'managed' to maximise the research outcomes that can be derived from this data. Data management can be as simple as putting a copy of this data on a spare hard disk, or on a more reliable and sophisticated data management solution that makes data reuse and sharing easy.
The MyTardis data management platform is a software solution that manages research data and the associated metadata. MyTardis handles the underlying storage to ensure that data is securely archived and provides access to the data through a web portal. You can also access your data using an SFTP client like Cyberduck.
Data that is organised, described and archives itself
The MyTardis platform makes it possible to have data organise, describe and archive itself by providing easy automated mechanisms to push data into MyTardis, extract metadata from data files and ensure that your data is safely archived in secure storage.
The data structure supported in MyTardis comprises of experiments, datasets and data files. Experiments contain datasets, which in turn contain data files.
While metadata from files can be automatically extracted and viewed in MyTardis, it is also possible to manually add descriptive metadata to all levels (Experiments, Datasets, Data files).
Share data with colleagues anywhere
MyTardis gives you complete control over who has access to your data. You can share your data with your collaborators both within and outside your institution as long as they have a MyTardis account; or you can create a temporary access link to share data with anyone, even if they do not have a MyTardis account.
I want to publish my data and make it easily citable
MyTardis integrates with big instrument data
Research data generated and collected for a specific study may have potential value beyond its original intent. When research data is published and made accessible, it improves the transparency of the research and usually leads to more citations.
MyTardis provides a simple publication wizard to pick datasets to be published, along with metadata that describes the data collection. Furthermore, an embargo period can also be applied to the data. On publication, a publicly visible non-editable copy of this data is created along with along with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The DOI makes the data easily citable. Metadata about published collections can also be harvested by research data repositories like the Australian National Data Services' (ANDS') Research Data Australia.